


This is a globular aryballos (oil flask) of a squat and short body. The main decoration in black slip over a buff clay is of three warriors in black slip facing with their bodies and their heads to their right, the left foot standing straight, the right leg advancing forwards. Their whole body is completely covered by their large shield and their spear can also be seenfrom their back of the body extending in front of the spear. Incision has been used for a circular outline of the spear, the semi-cicle outline of the faces and their circular eyes of he warriors. Dark brown has been used for the bodies and faces of the fighters, the interior of their shield is painted in dark red. Circular bands in brown frame the main scene. A band of vertical wide ray shaped leaves is at the base of the short neck. There are thick circular bands along the base of the alabastro and the flat top of the rim. The clay is buff and creamy but the middle warrior has lost most of its shield and face.