Ash Chest



Ash chest (double) of Aninia Asterio and C. Iulius Speratus. The ash chest has two separate cavities and two inscription panels, seemingly inscribed by the same hand. The decoration is limited on the front only, with the sides worked smooth and the back and the anterior cavities roughly worked. The inscriptions in the framed panels are placed side by side at the front. The left one is ANINIA ASTERIO SIBI. ET FRATRI.SVO. The translation for this is Aninia Asterio for herself and her brother To the right: C.IVLIVS SPERATVS. The translation is: Caius Iulius Speratus The formula for the left is unusual and does not name the brother. The occupant of the second cavity was probably a freed man or a freeborn and does not appear to be related to the Anninia Asterio or at least the inscription does not state so. The style of the two inscriptions is very similar and they could be by the same artist or at least carved around the same time. If the two people mentioned in the inscription were not related, it could well be that the second cavity was sold to Speratus. There is minimal decoration of a broad plain fascia and cyma moulding at the front and in between the two inscription panels which are both framed by the same moulding. The plain decoration is difficult to date.