Bell Album 7



A leather bound album of images mainly from Bell's visit to Shigatse and the Panchen Lama in 1906. Captions as follows (uc) = uncaptioned: Page 1 - Shigatse Jong / Landlords house between Gyantse and Shigatse Page 2 - Tibetan gentleman's house on road between Shigatse and Gyantse / The Phala Mansion at Dongtse Page 3 - Mountain by the Rhone Lake / Mountains across the Rhone lake near Dochen, Tibet Page 4 - Chomio Chari mt from Dochen, Tibet / Chumalhari mts from the plain of Tuna Page 5 - Chumalhari mts from the plain of Tuna / Dongtse Monastery in Nyang Chu valley Page 6 - The Tashi Lhunpo monastery / Tse-chen monastery near Gyantse Page 7 - The Tashi Lhunpo monastery / Norbu Kyung village on road between Shigatse and Gyantse Page 8 - Nyang valley Valley of Happiness 14 miles above Gyantse / Reaping barley in the Chumbi valley Page 9 - Tibetan cultivaters / Members of a robber tribe Page 10 - Chomio Chari 'The mountain of the Supreme Goddess' from the Ogre Lake 17,500ft / Chomio Chari from the Ogre Page 11 - Lhasa women Page 12 - a corner of Shigatse market / Pavilion / The Buddha of Love Page 13 - (uc) Bell in Gangtok Residency grounds Page 14 - (uc) woman seated in front of residency / (uc) Gangtok Residency / (uc) Kennedy? seated in front of Residency / The Jelap Pass between Sikhim and Tibet Page 15 - Part of Shigatse Jong and town / Shigatse Jong (two photographs) Page 16 - Garden house at Shigatse of Tashi Lama's brother / Toko La Pass Tibetan mani cairn / a house in Kinchengong Chumbi valley Page 17 - Market day at Shigatse / Beggars / a corner of Kinchengong, a village in Chumbi valley Page 18 - Postman's hut Sikkim near Tibet frontier 18,000ft above sea level / Rounf Gantong, Sikkim / Small ake in Tibet below Jelap Pass / View from Jelap pass Page 19 - Tashi Lama's snow leopard at Shigatse / Tashi Lama's bear Page 20 - Gyantse, Tibet / Phari Jong Page 21 - Ravine in north Sikkim / Head witch doctor of the Maharaja of Sikkim Page 22 - Sim-to-ka Fat Page 23 - Village in Bhutan Page 24 - Cane bridge over the Teesta River / Chumbi Tibet Page 25 - Gangtok Residency Page 26 - (uc) Dzong of Wangli Phodrang, Bhutan ? Page 27 - Camp in Bhutan Page 28 - (uc) Two loose card backed photographs of Bell's children Page 29 - Loose news clipping re: Panchen Lama Page 30 - Three loose photographs of Sikkim orderliers and residency staff Page 31 - Four loose images of Sikkim landscapes and workers