Stemmed bowl (goblet) with blue painted decoration from house V.35.6 in the North Suburb at Tell el Amarna (find no. 29/373). Restored from several fragments – this round-sided wheel-made bowl was originally footed with a stem and base (c.f., Ashmolean Museum AN1893.1-41.278). The painted decoration imitates the form of the white lotus. It is cream coated on the outside only, and over this are applied floral and linear motifs in blue, red and black. On the upper part of the vessel these consist of bands and lines of blue, red and black, a row of red dots and thin tapering blue lily petals.
Excavation find number 29/373: North Suburb, House V.35.6.
Excavated by the Egypt Exploration Society in 1926. Acquired by the EES in the division of finds. Donated to the East Anglia Egyptian Society by the EES in recognition of a contribution to the EES (excavation subscription). Donated to Norwich Castle Museum. Purchased from the collections of Norwich Castle Museum in 1956 by Liverpool City Museum (now World Museum).