A White Painted III type deep bowl, with a pair of vertical loop handles, one at each side and below the circular mouth. The foot of the bowl is broken and missing. The lower body of the bowl has a conical shape, the white slip is creamy all over the bowl but in certain areas in a poor condition. The upper part of the exterior body of the bowl is framed with three think horizontal bands in the middle of the body and one along the exterior edge of the rim. In between the mouth and the middle of the body there is a central panel of vertical latticed lozenge and triangle outlined by four verticals. Beside the left handle there is an outlined panel of stacked chevrons while beside the right handle outlined hatched tangent traingles. In the spaces among those panels there are identical cruciform motifs, each arm of the cross has a large solid circlet attached and the arms are fringed with dots. The other side of the bowl has similar decoration the only difference is the left handle panel is of stached chevrons design, the right handle panel has a zig zag design. The decoration of one of the handles has significantly faded. Along the interior mouth, middle of the body and the base, there are circular brown bands. The clay is heavily gritted buff with a green tinge, evenly fired medium hard. The surface is carefully wet smoothed with a plain green surface finish.