


One of a pair of two fibulae (or bow brooches) the other being M6234. Made from white metal (possibly silver) made in one piece from wire, thinner for pin than back, coiled for spring, and hammered out to make catch-plate. Decorated with groups of three transverse grooves. Like modern safety-pins they would have been used to fasten clothing. Excavated in August 1771, grave 205 of the Kingston Barrow group in Kent, found with other grave good including the Kingston Brooch (M6226), a sheet-gold pendant with a central repoussé boss surrounded by concentric zones of stamped circles (M6231), a glass palm cup (M6228), an iron chatelaine, remains of a wooden box with iron fittings (M6232), a pottery vessel, a bronze hanging-bowl with enamelled escutcheons and print, and a two-handled bronze pan with trivet.