


Silver gilt jewelled disc brooch (Leeds Class Ib) and Avent class 3.3, with the characteristic main ornament for this type of reversed animal heads turned into 90 degrees. The brooch also has two rims an outer and inner and its central setting is raised into a boss and three keystone settings with no intermediate settings. The raised centre has a disc of white shell, with a flat piece of blue glass at centre, the whole encircled by beaded wire collar. Three radiating wedge-shaped garnets set on chequered gold foil. The rige of the brooch is ridge, in its border there are remains of light-and-shade or beading. The whole edge is very abraded with much of the niello work gone. On the back there is the usual simple catchplate and attachment for missing spring-coil and pin. The brooch was found with a gold filigree pendant normally dated to the 7th century.