Bryson collection: Henry Holt letters



From the Guide to the Collections of the Merseyside Maritime Museum, volume 2: Henry Holt of Liverpool was an architect who emigrated to New York and established a practice there. His letters home are very informative about his activities and apparent prosperity. See the attached list for more details or contact The Archives Centre for a copy of the catalogue. Images of the letters are also available on the Adam Matthews Migration to New Worlds website. From a paper catalogue held at the Maritime Archives and Library - Henry Holt was an emigrant architect who wrote to his family in Liverpool from America. at first he seems far from prosperous but by 1899 he has his own headed note-paper and a friend congratulates him on his prosperity. However shortly after the letter he died from 'neglecting himself'. The letters he wrote were addressed to his 'fambly' and his sisters are nicknamed 'Marfa', 'Sirjane' and 'Kiddums' and the letters continue this rather frivolous style.