Bust of a Satyr



Bust of a satyr. The head is mounted on a squared 18th century bust. Both the ears were restored, although the right one is now missing, therefore it is difficult to specify whether this was really a Satyr. He has tiny horns above the forehead, thick, and spiky hair locks and an open mouth, revealing his teeth. He grins and his head position is similar to most examples of satyr sculptures. He was also perhaps engaged with another figure. Bartman suggested either a baby Bacchus on his shoulder or perhaps he gazed at something held aloft as in the Capitoline's Red Faun. His cheeks are chubby but that's probably to do with the restorer. Bartman observed that the head is not square or round as in most satyrs but has more the shape of a long oval and it is narrow. It seems disproportionate to the thick neck and may have been reduced by recutting. His open eyes are not that typical of satyrs either and are set under an arching brow. The forehead ends in a hairline not that well connected to the skin. The back of the head is also restored, the face has a shine, properly due to extensive cleaning and it may also have been reworked.