


Base and most of shaft of a candelabrum with three curved legs each ending in four elongated leonine claws resting on a small torus base. The legs are flattened, with a simple moulding setting off each foot. The top of the base is capped with three out turned petals that continue the lines of the legs. The upper surface of each petal is marked with a grooved edge and central vein. The shaft is round in section, tapering at the top. Shaft and tense were cast in one piece. The top of the shaft, crown, etc, are missing, and the piece is corroded and encrusted. The size is appropriate for a candelabrum (or lamp or utensil stand) finer than a tabletop thymiaterion (incense burner). Candelabra bearing actual candles are a characteristic Etruscan invention. Most excavated examples appear to have been heirloom pieces topped with unique figurines. Complete examples consist of tripod legs, shaft, inverted bowl, and crown with lotus flower prongs on which a candle can be impaled.