Canopic Jar Lid (Human-headed)

LL 5131


Human-headed lid to a canopic jar, carved from creamy-brown alabaster with narrow horizontal veins; the surface has a very high polish. The eyes are deeply cut as if to receive inlays. Diameter of boss 95 mm; height of boss 10 mm. Purchased at Sotheby's 23-24 July 1917 (Hope sale) Lot 172/4: "FOUR CANOPIC JARS IN ALABASTER, comprising Mestha, the man-headed - 17 in. high ; Hapi, the ape-headed - 14 in. high ; Qebhsennuf, the hawk-headed - 13 in. high ; and Tuamutef, the jackal-headed - 15 in. high. All the vases, with the exception of the first, fully inscribed - a remarkable set of the highest importance [PLATE IV.]".