Collection of photographs and documents relating to Cyril Lewis White and the Battle of the Atlantic



Small collection of photographs and other ephemera relating to RAF Hurricane fighter pilot Cyril Lewis White (1920-1998). Six snapshot photographs taken on board the convoy ship MV Daghestan during the Battle of the Atlantic, 1941. Images show a Hurricane 'catafighter' ready to be launched; a fellow convoy ship at sea; waves crashing over the ship's deck; and two snaps of Cyril White on deck. - Newspaper clipping showing the freighter SS Empire Tide with a catapult fitted to the bow and a Hurricane fighter plane in the catapult. -Manchester Ship Canal Company pass (no. 79905) made out to Cyril White of the MV Daghestan. Issued 7 September (?) 1941 in Ellesmere Port, Wirral. - Entry pass (158386) issued to Cyril White, MV Daghestan, in the Port of Glasgow. Valid for a stay in port. Issued 26 August 1941.