Cosmetic Palette



Cosmetic palette. Slight chipping. Marked H in pencil. Cemetery H contained Predynastic graves excavated under the direction of Mace and Iles. Donated to the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum by the British School of Archaeology in Egypt per W. M. Flinders Petrie in 1927, with a group of material excavated at Abydos in 1922, when it was described as "hawk headed" and given it a sequence date of 50-65. Corpus type 69B. CONDITION NOTE (1998): Worn, surface dirt, adhesive on surface. Wellcome Historical Medical Museum accession no.58257: "PALETTE Slate, dark green, hawk-headed. 7" x 4½" Egyptian SD 50-65 Presented Sept. 1927 by Prof. Flinders Petrie, University College."