Cosmetic Palette



Slab of polished hornblende diorite previously described as an axe-head but is more typical of palettes used for grinding eye-paint found in graves of A Group culture. On one side is stuck a large label from the 1922 Sotheby's auction of Reverend William MacGregor's collection. CONDITION NOTE (1998): Surface dirt, discolouration, white residue, label adhered to surface. Purchased for Henry Wellcome at Sotheby's 26 June - 6 July 1922 (MacGregor Collection) Lot 1117: "An Axe-head, in polished(?) sandstone, 5 3/4 in. long and another in mottled black and white granite, 3 3/4 in. long; and also two Tags, or men for a game, of short tusk-shape in reddish brown limestone, 1 7/8 in. high (see Petrie "Negadah" Games) found at Es Saoniyeh; an Axe-head, in dark green mottled stone, 2 3/4 in long, and two Ear-studs, in alabaster."