Cow Skeleton



Skeletal remains of a cow buried in a tomb at the Baqaria (no. 29). Armant was the site of the Bucheum, where the sacred Buchis bulls were buried from the reign of Nectanebo II (360-343 BC); this cult was continued for the next 650 years. Mothers of the Buchis bull were buried in tombs called the Baqaria. Object record photographs include the skull, jaw and a small number of other bones. Dimensions are for the skull. Wellcome Historical Medical Museum label reads: "Roman cow skeleton. Baquaria 29. Armant EES 1931-1932. Horned skull marked 29". CONDITION NOTE 1998: Surface dirt, one piece has orange fungi growth, dry, brittle, splitting, flaking, cracking, concretions, silted. .