Cropper Family archive
Summary description (For further details see the attached catalogue or contact The Archives Centre for a copy of the catalogue).
Estate deeds and family papers, 1634-1845.
Business papers including apprenticeship indenture of James Cropper, 1790; Cropper & Benson agreement, 1799; dissolution of partnership, 1800 and 1833; draft letter to the Liverpool Dock Trustees, 1807.
Correspondence re the Liverpool-Manchester Railway, 1825-1830.
Correspondence with William Wilberforce, Thomas Clarkson, George Stephens, Elizabeth Fry and Zachary Macaulay, et al, re abolition of slavery, c.1798-1833.
Papers re steam mill at Islington, Liverpool belonging to William Arrowsmith, 1800-1807.
Family correspondence, 1806-1840.
Correspondence with Eliza (née Cropper) and Joseph Sturge, of Birmingham, re Quaker and business issues, James Cropper’s reform school at Fearnhead, politics and other social issues, 1829-1839.
Liverpool Borough Bank and its liquidation, reports, etc., 1857-1860.
Letter book of Cropper family correspondence, 1791-1834.
Letter book containing correspondence and papers, re business, religious and political affairs, including slavery, c.1790-1839.
Album containing letters, newscuttings, printed pamphlets, leaflets, etc., re anti-slavery, c.1820-1832.
Album of anti-slavery newscuttings, 1824-1826.
Miscellaneous documents including John Cropper’s account book, 1797-1799; drawings and plans of Dingle Bank, 1926.