Daybooks of John Roby Ltd, brass founders, Rainhill



John Roby Ltd., based in Rainhill, near Liverpool, was a firm of brass founders, and made portholes, bells and other brass fittings for many ship builders. The company later merged with Thomas Utley & Co., Ltd., based in Tuebrook, Liverpool. Its Rainhill works were closed in the 1970s. The collection contains day books for the firm of John Roby Ltd., manufacturers of brass ship fittings, Rainhill, 1900-1951, showing details of work carried out and materials used, the cost of the work and payments received. The firm carried out work for most of the major firms in the shipbuilding industry and the Admiralty. The volumes also contain details of work carried out (showing labour and materials) on the properties of various members of the Roby family. For example, Thomas Spencer Roby of Ash Down and Ash Leigh, Rainhill; the executors of the late John Roby, Rainhill, at Roby Cottages, Derby Cottages, Fir Grove and Wilshaw estates, and John B. Roby at Prescot. For further details see the attached catalogue or contact The Archives Centre for a copy of the catalogue.