Envelopes sent from vessels trapped in the Great Bitter Lake, Suez Canal following the Six Day War between Israel and Egypt, 1967.
Envelopes sent from vessels trapped in the Great Bitter Lake, Suez Canal following the Six Day War between Israel and Egypt, 1967. Vessels were trapped from 1967-1975. Envelopes posted in 1968 by P Roberts 4th Engineer, Agapenor, Blue Funnel (Ocean Steam Ship Company). One stamped 'Mailed on board Agalampus, the shared name given to the two Blue Funnel ships in the lake - Agapenor and Melampus. The other has stamps from all the 14 ships present in the lake. Both have a Great Bitter Lake Association postage stamp, one with an image of Liverpool waterfront, one with an anchor commemorating the first anniversary of the ships being trapped.