Female Bust
Portrait of a woman restored on a modern bust.
Head is about life-size and is turned to the left. The hair is striking with a high diadem-like toupee which encircles the face and covers the earlobes. The toupee is made of small snail curls with a drilled and well defined hole in the centre of each curl.The rest of the hair in the crown is combed backwards straight and together with some small loosely twisted strands of hair made into thin plaits gathered into a ring shaped bun high on the head. A small wispy curl falls down the neck behind each ear. The face has not got any particular personal features other than the hair which would make the bust a portrait. Jane Fejfer regarded the treatment of the lower face and the eyebrows as 18th century restorations.The ears are badly damaged, and the top of the hair, the lower part of neck with bust, as well as base, have been restored. The face was restored in the 18th century. Jane Fejfer claimed that evidence from Blundell's Account indicated that some of the marbles were restored at Ince Blundell.