Solid-cast, medium sized figurine representing a female votary in a slightly elongated design. It is very thin with a concave back and a small rectangular tang at the bottom, below the hemline. She stands with weight on her right foot, heel turned slightly to right, her right hand outstretched to the side and holding a large disc (intended to be a patera) with incised cross on its upper surface. The left arm is bent at the elbow, extending out from the waist, holding a small, pellet like cake with incised cross on upper surface. She wears plain slippers, high girt sleeveless chiton and a loose veil falling from a tiara over both shoulders, wrapped around the body and hanging from her left elbow A few folds of drapery are carried in shallower modeling across the back of the figure. The tiara has a central trefoil decoration and a rosette at each end. The face has sparse modeling with large eyes and wavy hair above the forehead.