Finger Ring



Bezel broken from a green faience finger ring, decorated with a moulded Eye of Horus (wedjat) set between two lotus flowers. On the back marked in ink "24-5/ 27". Find number 25/27: From the 1924-25 excavation season of the Egypt Exploration Society at Tell el-Amarna, the main city, north wall (N49.51). Donated to the East Anglia Egyptian Society by the Egypt Exploration Society in return for their excavation subscription CONDITION NOTE 1998: Incomplete, running cracks, surface dirt. Excavated by the Egypt Exploration Society in 1925. Acquired by the EES in the division of finds. Donated to the East Anglia Egyptian Society by the EES in recognition of a contribution to the EES (excavation subscription). Donated to Norwich Castle Museum. Purchased from the collections of Norwich Castle Museum in 1956 by Liverpool City Museum (now World Museum).