Fish-Tail Knife



Flint knife or spearhead, often referred to as a peseshkef knife by Egyptologists. Ripple flaked with finely serrated forked end resembling a fishtail. The narrower pointed end would have been hafted to a handle. An article by Ann Macy Roth in 'The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology' vol. 78 discusses the possible ritual nature of such a tool. Marked 3402 which is seemingly William MacGregor's collection number. Wellcome Historical Medical Museum accession no.17319: Flint lance head of pinkish tint with cleft point. 6" x 1¾" Has very delicate serrated edges. Found at Abydos. Mc3402. As photo; Purchased at Sotheby's, London, 26 June - 6 July 1922 (MacGregor collection) Lot no. 1156; auction catalogue notes "found at Abydos" - could this be from Flinders Petrie's excavations for the Egypt Exploration Fund or those of John Garstang for the University of Liverpool?