Funeral Garland


Garland of flowers and petals from the burial of a man named Nesshutefnut, a priest of the god Horus. His burial was excavated in 1905 by the Liverpool Institute of Archaeology. John Garstang, Harold Jones and a team of 80 others spent three months excavating the site of Hissaya, a burial place used in the Ptolemaic and Roman Period, mainly by priests of Horus from the temple city of Edfu, which is 20km to the north of the site. Most graves in the cemetery had been robbed, except for the burial of Nesshutefnut. Nesshutefnut’s mummified body was adorned with brightly painted cartonnage included a gilded mask. Garlands were placed over the body before the lid was closed on the black painted coffin. Placed beside the coffin was a canopic chest, a painted wooden stela and a statue of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. Mummified body and burial goods were damaged when the Museum was bombed in 1941.