Furniture Part (Stool)
One of two fragments in the form of duck heads which come from the cross members of a folding stool. The beak of each duck is open and the tongue forms the tenon which slots into the mortise of the floor rails. Polished wood with finely inlaid ivory and eye beads. At the base of each neck is an accurately incised wave pattern. The neck of each bird has been sawn through showing clearly the saw marks. The only surviving ivory inlays are the two eyes; the right cheek of the bird is split open with the lower part of eye inlay exposed.
Compare with examples in other museums: British Museum EA29284 (Thebes - Tomb of Ani) and EA2477 (Thebes - acquired at the sale of the third Salt Collection in 1835); Manchester Museum 4229 (Gizeh and Rifeh, pl. xxvii B); Royal Ontario Museum 914.2.1; Egyptian Museum Cairo JE62035 (Tutankhamun Carter number 83).