The Goatherd's Daughter

LL 722


Hartwell was inspired by the poetic subjects of the New Sculpture movement. In 1916, he exhibited a life-size plaster or marble version of ‘The Goatherd's Daughter’ at the Royal Academy, followed in 1929 by an identical bronze version (also at the Royal Academy). That bronze version is probably the one now in the Courtauld Institute of Art, although another bronze life-size version was located around 1978 in the gardens of St. John's Lodge, Regent's Park. The Lady Lever Art Gallery statuette seems to be a model for these large versions. It is not quite identical to them and is rather more sketchy in execution. Its inscription describes the sculptor as an Associate of the Royal Academy and therefore dates the bronze, or the model on which it is based, to between 1915 and 1924.