Head of Young Man



Head of a young man turning to the left. His hair is short in a fillet and rising into an anastole over the forehead. The nose is broken and there is restoration at the back of the head. The head was attached to the bust. The man turns his head to the left revealing a muscular neck. He has an open mouth and a wide lower lip which gives his face a sense of emotionalism. His brow is heavy and he has a narrow chin. The head is in the Hellenistic tradition. Ashmole found an analogy to the statuette of a Young Boxer in New York. Michaelis found it close to the sons of Lacoon linked to the Rhodian school of the late Hellenistic period. Furtwangler viewed it as close to the Greek sculptor Scopas. Ashmole also noted that the lack of sharp angles may indicate is characteristic of the Alexandrian school or sculptors of the late 4th and 3rd century BC. Bartman concluded that this could be either a representation of Hercules or an athlete illustrating the popularity of the Hellenistic tradition for even modest villas. She compared it more with the statuette of an unknown ruler found at Pompei and now in the Naples Museo Nationale.