Heliogabalus institutes a Senate of Women. A.R. 967.

WAG 7750


This is one of a group of drawings by British artist and book illustrator Edward Francis Burney, depicting scenes from Greek and Roman history and mythology. This composition was used for a headpiece in 'Le Souvenir, A Pocket Remembrancer', a memorandum book printed by J Cary for Godwin in 1807, on the page for 1st September. Heliogabalus was Emperor of Rome from 218 to 222 CE. He was a religious reformer who introduced the cult of the Sun god, Elagabal. Heliogabalus wanted his mother and grandmother to be able to attend Senate meetings, and so is said to have created a Senate for women. This was revoked after Heliogabalus' death.