The History of Tibet: The Feast of Perfect Youth, Melodies of the Cuckoo



Three copies of the same block printed Tibetan manuscripts or pecha, the History of Tibet: The Feast of Perfect Youth, Melodies of the Cuckoo by ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho [5th Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617-1682)]. The individual manuscripts each contains 113 folios, there are line drawings of Avalokiteśvara on the left and Srong btsan sGam po on the right of folio 1v Śāntarakshita on the left and Khri srong De btsan on the right of folio 2. One of the copies, 'Barmiak 5' is made of good quality daphne bark paper. All three are of different sizes. The manuscripts are wrapped in a gold coloured cotton cloth, with a red diamond support at the corner to hold a red cloth tape. This is supported between two deep red wooden book covers (too short for the pecha).