Inner Coffin Box of Taenty
Ta-enty’s small undecorated tomb was just big enough to hold her mummy nested inside two coffins. The box of her inner coffin is brightly painted. The central area is dominated by a painting of a large djed-pillar from the top of which issue two arms holding the sun's disc over an ankh sign.
Ta-enty's intact tomb was found during John Garstang's excavations at Kostamneh (Nubia) in 1906. The rock cut tomb was given the number 200K. II 06. It is now lost beneath the waters of Lake Nasser. John Garstang describes the discovery in his handwritten report to the excavation committee: “To the north of the chief necropolis were a few tombs of pure Egyptian character of the New Empire, probably the graves of the officials concerned in the governing of this site. The above shows the door of the tomb built up with stones: upon removing these there was seen the rather good mummy case of one “Antï”, and excellent mummy within which has not been disturbed in any way. Date about XX Dyn.”