Inscribed Hammer Stone Model



Votive model of a bivalve-shaped aragonite stone with hieroglyphic text that records a dedication from Hatshepsut to her celebrated ancestor, here termed ‘(fore)father’, Mentuhotep II of the 11th Dynasty (2055-2004 BC) who is here identified by his praenomen Nebhepetra. Once side is inscribed in two columns: "the perfect god, Maatkara: he has made a dedication (‘mnw’) for his father, Nebhepetra, the justified". The word 'mnw' is often translated as ‘monument’ but actually refers more generally to royal dedications. This is probably from a foundation deposit at Deir el Bahri as it is like other examples excavated by H. E. Winlock and now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (e.g., accession no. 27.3.400). A stone such as this one probably represents a tool, such as a hammering stone that would have been used in the construction of the building. This identification fits with the context of other construction tools found in Hatshepsut's foundation deposits excavated by Winclock for the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1926-7. Joseph Sams described the object as "No. 223. A charm of alabaster, containing a short inscription and cartouches of two ancient kings".