Inscribed Mummy Bandage
1 of 12 strips of linen bandages inscribed with spells from the Book of the Dead in late hieratic writing for Djed-hor son of Ta. The vignette shows the owner seated before a tree-goddess, and possibly illustrates Spell 59, entitled "Spell for breathing air and having power over water in the realm of the dead".
Joseph Sams collection MS p. 38 "Manuscripts, on fine linen, of Egypt, in the hieroglyphic character, a collection of - some also containing figures or drawings (14). Manuscripts, on fine linen, in the Demotic character some also containing figures & curious drawings (12)".
They were catalogued by Charles Goodwin in 1872 and appear as this in his hand-written notes: "(twelve linen fragments, belonging to the same mummy, but not capable of being pieced together) - contain fragments of the ritual - Late Hieratic script. Belonged to a person named Tat-Hor [Djed-Hor] son of Ta."
Charles Gatty, 'Catalogue of the Mayer Collection' (London, 1879, p. 38-9) “189. Mummy Wrappings; twelve strips of linen with portions of the Ritual of the Dead inscribed on them in late hieratic writing; on one is the name of the person from whose mummy they all most probably came, Tatha, son of Ta."
Gatty Slip: Vide Mr Goodwin's list in Mayer coll: guard book vol I p10, no 10. Formerly in Mr Sams' coll: vide MS cat: p63 nos 200-1.