


Piriform shaped jar with flat base, from Esna tomb 120. Marked by the excavator with the grave number in black ink, " 120E". Later modified by a collector to 120Esna". CONDITION NOTE (1998): Part of rim/lip missing, large crack across centre of rim/lip, surface loss, white residue around edge of rim/lip. Wellcome Historical Medical Museum accession no. 13496 "Light terra cotta vase from Esna, as sketch. 6¾" high. 4¾" diameter. Found during Professor Petrie's excavations. Archaic period". Purchased at Sotheby's, London, 26 June - 6 July 1922 (MacGregor Collection) Lot 1696/12: "Nine miscellaneous Bowls and Vases, from Professor Garstang's excavations at Esna; two Vessels, from abydos; one of basket shape with bird's head; and a Bowl, from Zawaideh".