


Footed stone vessel with two pierced lug handles. Made from a hard dark stone with pale inclusions (Hornblende Diorite?). Compare with Ali el-Khouli, ‘Egyptian Stone Vessels, Predynastic Period to Dynasty III: Typology and Analysis’ (Mainz, 1978) no. 1261. CONDITION NOTE 1998: Previous repair, chipped, areas of fill, surface dirt. Wellcome Historical Medical Museum registation number 112/1956.Vase. Black basalt with two small lug handles; wide neck on narrow base; pre-Dynastic, Egypt. Has been repaired or restored. This vase was originally in the collection of the late Mr E.H. Scrimshire of Highgate. Purchased from Mrs Bushe-Fox, widow of Mr Bushe-Fox who was with Sir Flinders Petrie in 1909 and 1911. Joscelyn Plunkett Bushe-Fox (1880-1954) a British archaeologist and from 1920 Chief Inspector of Ancient Monuments. In his early years worked as an artist for the British School of Archaeology in Egypt (1909-1911). He acquired a small range of archaeological finds from this time, at sites including Gezeh and Memphis. Following his death his wife, Cicely, sold his collection of antiquities to the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum in December 1955.