Jar with incised lines around the top and a rounded base. Marked by the excavator with the grave number in black ink, " 69E", with a later annotation, perhaps by the collector "XIIth dyn. Esna".
Finds from grave 69 E’05 in World Museum include: pottery jars 1971.58.14 and 1973.1.410, beads, scarab In the British Museum there is a New Kingdom pottery bowl EA42135.
CONDITION NOTE 1998: Large chip to rim, three running cracks from rim, pitted, patches of discolouration, surface dirt, label adhered to base.
Purchased at Sotheby's, London, 26 June - 6 July 1922 (MacGregor Collection) Lot 1686/7 "Six Bowls and Vases, in unglazed earthenware, chiefly from Professor Garstang's excavations at Esna; and one 6th Dynasty Vase, found at Abydos in 1909". MacGregor Collection no. 1702.