


Squat round-bodied jar with with two pierced lug handles and a wide rim. Banded red and white hard limestone (has been described as alabaster) that added to the vessel's prestige. Compare shape with Ali el-Khouli, 'Egyptian Stone Vessels Predynastic Period to Dynasty III' (Mainz, 1978) nos. 1545-1546. CONDITION NOTE (1988): Running crack from rim, running crack around base, scratched, surface dirt, label adhered to surface. Danson Catalogue 2 no. 62. Sold at Sotheby's 20-24 January 1913 Lot 62: "A smaller vase of similar type but of later date; about 5 in. diam.; worked in a very fine piece of Egyptian alabaster with parallel reddish-brown bands (PI. XIV)". Illustrated in the sale catalogue, pl. XIV no. 62. Previously in the Robert de Rustafjaell Collection. Compare with Ali el-Khouli, ‘Egyptian Stone Vessels, Predynastic Period to Dynasty III: Typology and Analysis’ (Mainz, 1978) nos.1516-1520.