


Flat based jar carved from hornblende diorite, with a flat-topped rim and two lug handles. The craftsman abandoned work on the jar, leaving the surface unpolished, lug-handles not fully shaped or pierced, and with a shallow and narrow unfinished interior (60 mm in diameter and 45 mm deep). Compare with Barbara Aston, 'Ancient Egyptian Stone Vessels Materials and Forms' (Heidelberg, 1994), pl. 1 [c] (Ashmolean 1896-1908 E.19; and Ali el-Khouli, 'Egyptian Stone Vessels Predynastic Period to Dynasty III' (Mainz, 1978) no. 1470. Wellcome Historical Medical Museum no. 1336; Purchased at Sotheby's, London 9-10 December 1907 (Robert de Rustafjaell collection) Lot 63: "Two others [large vase] of black and white stone or granite (Plate I)". pl. I. no.63).