"Jeune Indigène. Rêverie. -- Young native. Dreaming."



Colourised collotype postcard by Comptoirs Henri Dupuy, ca. 1912-1914, titled "Jeune Indigène. Rêverie. -- Young native. Dreaming.". No. 37 in series. Image shows a West African woman wearing traditional dress - striped turban and matching wrap - with gold jewellery. She is standing with her elbow resting against a tree. Comptoirs Henri Dupuy created postcards for the tourist expatriate markets in Nigeria and neighbouring countries during colonial times. The images, particularly portraits, illustrate a clear 'othering' of indigenous Africans for European consumption. From the collection of William John Roberts, Liverpool-born merchant for The Lagos Stores, Ltd. Based in Nigeria, 1912-1914.