King of Clubs Seated by Damsel in Dress Embroidered with Hearts

WAG 8519


Bell was Instructor of Painting and Drawing at Liverpool School of Architecture and Applied Arts (1894-99). This work is probably part of the University Club decorations which move into 9 Sandon Terrace in 1895. It was possibly executed in part by some Bells students. Fanny Hamel Lister (later Fanny Calder) recalled that Lucie Raleigh (née Jackson) helped her with the decorations for the Club. Raleigh was the wife of Walter Raleigh, Professor of English Literature, and sister of Herbert Jackson, Instructor of Paintings and Drawing at the Art Sheds after Bell. This may explain the initials LR on the back of this work, as Bell signed his initials with the students with which he approved.