Laban searching for his household idols
WAG 1995.218
A chalk, pen and ink drawing of a scene from the story of Laban and Jacob in the Book of Genesis. It depicts the scene in which Laban is searching for his stolen idols in a wooden chest. His daughter Rachel, seated by the chest, had stolen her father Laban's household idols before fleeing his home with her husband Jacob and her sister Leah and hidden them in her camel's saddlebags and sat on them. Laban set off in pursuit upon discovering the theft, and when overtaking the party, he searched their tents and belongings. Laban is seen in the centre furiously searching inside the chest but does not find anything. Surrounding Laban and Rachel is a group of figures and children in a landscape setting. A nude male figure on the far left, painted in brown wash, seems to be about to load up the camel.