Legal papers re plantations.



Legal papers re plantations, mainly in Jamaica. Some owed by Liverpool Merchants 1865-1952. Draft lease of Ashley Hall estate, Vere, Jamaica, to Robert Charles Gibb, 1891. Conveyance of the Mesopotamia Estate, Westmoreland, Jamaica, 31 December 1878, William Turquand and others to Eustace Gregg and Captain Robert Lambert. Typed statement and prospectus of the Alpha Sugar Co of New York City NYC, with details of its plantations and sugar mills in Cuba )includes photos c. 1909) Six printed papers relating to the United Railways of Havana and Regla Warehouses, 1952. Manuscript statement of Account for 1891, John Morant with Walter Wynne, relating to costs associated with Ashley Hall Plantation, 1891. Tracing plan and statement of part of John Morant's land in Clarendon, Jamaica, 1914. Draft Conveyance of lands called Mumbies, in the Parish of Vere, Jamaica, from the Commissioners for the sale of Incumbered Estates, to John Morant, 1865. Draft Agreement, 15 Aug 1894, between Mrs E Drinkwater of Bramble Haw, Carshalton, and The Islands Syndicate Ltd., Victoria Mansions, Westminster, regarding the sale of estate in the Bahamas. Manuscript half-yearly summary report on the Brockenhurst Plantation for J R Latville Esq. 21 Aug 1889. Indenture between Eustace Gregg, Edwin Williams and William Francis Moore of Liverpool appointing new inspectors of Eustace Gregg's estate, 1888. Reconveyance of Paradise Penn and Meylersfield Estate, Jamaica from Gibbs, Bright & Co of Liverpool and Bristol to Eustace Gregg, 1881. Release and Reconveyance between Edwin Williams, colonial broker of Mincing Lane and, Liverpool creditors of Eustace Gregg, regarding the Meylersfield Plantation, Jamaica, October 1890. Epitome of leases of Plantations and Penns in Jamaica held under lease by Mr Morant, ? c.1880 (Knights, Blackwell, Exeter, Gibbons, Ashley Hall Penn). Draft Schedule of deeds and documents relative to the title of Mr Eustace Gregg's Jamaica Estates etc. 1884-89. 1892. Power of Attorney 8 Nov 1889 by Frederick John Young, accountant of 41 Coleman St, London, appointing Eustace Greg, formerly of Mincing lane, merchant "who is about to proceed to Jamaica, my attorney..." Meylersfield Plantation and run of Savannah Land called Egypt, in Westmoreland, Jamaica. Deed of Inspectorship. Eustace Gregg & Co. Liquidation of his debts and Plantations in Jamaica. August 1884. Deed of Statutory Declaration 14 February 1889 by Tyndall Bright, merchant of Liverpool, partner in the firm of Gibbs, Bright, & Co of Liverpool and Bristol regarding Paradise Pen Plantation in Jamaica. Typed Exemplification of probate by Supreme Court of Jamaica, in the Estate of Janey Phillippo, late of Gilnock Hall, St Elizabeth, 1928. Conveyance of freehold property between Charles Edward Bright , Tyndall Bright, and Reginald Bright, (Merchants of Liverpool and Bristol) regarding the Meylersfield Plantation, Paradise Penn to Eustace Gregg, Sept 1880. Draft Indenture 1886, John Morant and John MacGregor of Clarendon, and the Hon Robert Craig of Clarendon, and Thos Ellis of St Catharine’s, regarding the Gibbon estate. Letter from Johnston, Harrison & Powell, to Janson, Cobb, Pearson & Co. regarding Mr Morant's breach of covenant in cutting dyewood and neglect of buildings - and subsequent notes. Declaration by J Alfred Webber, Chief Clerk to the Commissioners for Sale of ? Mumbies Estates in the West Indies, Feb 1865 witnessing of a Deed of Conveyance.