Letter to Andrew Anderson from Jane Cowan



Letter to Andrew Anderson from Jane [Janie] Cowan, his younger sister, written from 14 Gilbert Street, Liverpool, 9 October 1872. The front page of the letter is cross written. Transcription: Liverpool, Oct 9th 72 14 Gilbert Street My Dear Andrew I need not tell you what pleasure it affords me to write you this. Sincerely hoping that on receipt of it you will be enjoying the very best of health and have arrived safely at Mobile Bay. I am happy to inform you that Aunt and self and Willie and the two girls are all alive and kicking at present we still keep very dull. I am sure I don't know what has become of business at all it seems as it has quite disheartened us altogether old Jones and Jenkins the only ones we have in at present. Jenkins only came in yesterday he is still on the steamers and has soft teas[?] ever. Both desires to be kindly remembered to you. I was across the other side last week I was happy to find them all quite well there but Annie is very low spirited about you wondering how you are. I don't suppose she will be any better until she receives a letter as for Trot she's all right with her playmates. I have not had a letter yet from William but am daily expecting one. Mrs H was there a few evenings ago sporting a gold watch said it was a present from John in commeration of their wedding. What is the world coming to ah poor old sailors will have to suffer for that. We have had some fearful weather here lately blowing great gusts running awfully and I am sorry to say that there has been some fearful shipwrecks and loss of life and I believe there is a deal of corn out yet everything is very dear. I don't know what poor people will do this winter if things don't take a change. I now much conclude this scribble but before I doing so I must not forget to tell you that Miss Feran[?] is tied at last. The wedding comes off in about two months time it's a Mr McAvoy a provender dealer. He is a good deal older than what she is but devil a Matter he has got what will keep her do you mind. There was a grand funeral here yesterday (Bishop Goss) the Roman Catholic Bishop he died rather unexpected. I'll send you a paper. How is Doyle. Remember us to him and accept for yourself Aunts and my very best love wishing you a safe return believe me ever your affectionate and loving little sister. J Cowan.