Letter written by Captain Edward W Freeman to Nelly, his wife, 21 March 1902
Writing from St Lucia where he is recovering following his part in rescue of the crew of the Prinds Leopold in 1902.
SLucia 21st May 1902
My dear Nelly
I am obliged to employ another pen to write to you as my hands are not yet quite well, but they are healing up fast and I am looking forward to starting for home in about 3-months time by the 'Sarah', if not then by the Royal Mail about the 7th June which will reach England on 21st June. I was sorry you were upset about the false rumour of my death, but don't take any notice of what you hear, as I should always let you know if I got worse and could not come, though there is no chance of that. I am very comfortable where I am. Everyone is very kind. I am not suffering much pain and expect to be quite myself very soon. The 'R0ddam' has gone away to Barbados and is getting cleaned up again. I am told she is creating quite a sensation there. I am so much better that I am going out for a drive this afternoon as a little break to from the monotony.
I hope you are keeping well and not worrying about me. Don't believe half you see in the papers. I'll give you the correct account when I come home.
With my love to all
Your affectionate(?) husband