Maharaj Kumar in courtyard of Sikkim reception tent



A framed photograph, taken by Johnston and Hoffman, in the Sikkim delegation's reception tent at the Delhi Durbar. Sidkyong Tulku sits in a European style chair looking away from the camera. Behind him stand six Sikkimese officials. In the white jacket is Rai Sahib Lobsang Choden, the Private Secretary to the Maharaja of Sikkim. To Sidkyong Tulku's right is a European style side table, draped with a square of fabric, on which is placed a chorten and what appears to be a group of tashi tagye or Eight Auspicious Emblems. In front of him is a Tibetan folding table on which is a dorje and bell, an ewer and a jade vessel, at either side of the table are gyaling or horns. The backdrop is furnished with several thangka and palm plants.