Mason's mallet with wide groove around centre suggesting it has been much used. Found when sand around the pyramid of Sensuret II was cleared by the British School of Archaeology in Egypt in 1921. Guy Brunton describes a number of wooden tools that were either used in the construction or destruction of the pyramid when it and surroundig buildings were used as a quarry: "Of the XIIth dynasty (?) there were many wooden mallets " (1923: 13). Petrie dated the object to the 12th Dynasty, suggesting the tool was used during the construction of the pyramid. It may well be later in date.
CONDITION NOTE (1998): Incomplete, very split, open , surface loss, discoloured, surface dirt.
Wellcome Historical Medical Museum accession no.58284: "MASON'S MALLET Wood. 12" high 5¼" diameter XII Dynasty. Egyptan. Presented Sept. 1927 by Prof. Flinders Petrie, University College."