Manuscript Cover



A large, deeply carved wooden book or pecha cover or glegs-sin. The central panel is intricately carved with three Nepalese style pedestals or thrones with arched nimbus. In the centre, the largest of the pedestals spills onto the upper border, in it sits Prajnaparamita (Tibetan: shes rab phar phyin) she holds a dorje in her raised right hand and a manuscript or pecha in her raised left. Her lower right hand is raised to her heart, but the lower left hand is missing.,The nimbus surrounding her contains garuda, who is supported by two apsara (flying spirits), underneath which are makara (mythical sea creatures). To the left is Nampar Nangdze (Vairochana) who is seated on a similar, slightly smaller pedestal or throne, both his arms are missing. There is a kirtimukha (or face of glory) at the pinnacle of the nimbus and again there is a pair of makara. At the lower portion of the nimbus are pairs of deer (one on top of the other). Seated on the right is Gautama Buddha in the enlightenment or bhumisparsa mudra. His nimbus contains a kirtimukha, makara, deer-like creatures and reclining elephants. Surrounding each of the three thrones are a group of figures seated on lotus pedestals, including Tara, Manjushri and Mahakala. The cover has a deep border of lotus leaves and petals. Traces of gilt can still be seen.