Marconi Telegram forms with messages sent by Bibby Line after loss of Derbyshire, 1980



Marconi Telegram forms with messages sent by Bibby Line after loss of Derbyshire, received by Geoff Valentine, Radio Officer, Lincolnshire, Bibby Line, 1980. Donor's explanation of telegram form. Top row: Prefix - MSG= message. Office of Origin - Liverpool (Bibby Line headquarters). No - Number of the telegram ie 540/17 from the coast radio station. Number of words 54/49 - here actual words including = Master Lincolnshire KPH = 49, but any word over 10 letters is counted as a double word, hence 54. Date - date handed into coast station. Time - time received by coast station. Second row: Date received by ship. Time received by ship. Received from KPH = San Francisco radio USA, GKG = Portishead radio UK. By - receiving ship's Radio Officers initials.