Mersey Harmony ladies barbershop costume



This spectacular outfit was worn by a member of the Liverpool Ladies Barbershop Singers when they won Gold at the 1985 National Championships in York. Group member Thelma Grant remembers the 62-strong chorus in their bright fuchsia and black satin outfits streaming in single file through the gardens of York University and up and over a bridge. “It was quite a spectacular sight in the sunshine.” The Chorus’s outfits were designed and made by the singers themselves. They used a surprising ingredient to add extra sparkle: tea leaves! Barbershop choruses involve members singing unaccompanied close four part harmonies. The Liverpool Ladies Barbershop Singers were founded in 1976 and have been National Champions three times. They are now known as Mersey Harmony. You can find out more about Mersey Harmony on the Mersey Harmony web site.