Mummified Falcon



Mummy bundle in the shape typically used to wrap mummified falcons. The body is of plain bandaging which is in good condition. On the head a beak has been modelled in linen and there are traces of painted decoration. There seems to be the model of a headdress, probably representative of the god Re-Harakhty, evident at the back of the head. There is a rectangular label stuck to the front inscribed, "Mummy of a hawk with bandages". The mummy was included in the Ancient Egyptian Animal Bio Bank Project (2016) for radiographic analysis (X-ray and CT scanning), specimen no AEABB735. Radiographic scans revealed that the head is false with no skeletal material inside. The main body of the mummy bundle contains what appears to be incomplete bird remains – evidence of two legs and two wings, with a portion of ribcage and no skull. There is a dense patch within the bundle of unknown origin. Wellcome Historical Medical Museum accession no. 28907. Purchased at Steven's Auction Rooms, London, 22 July 1924 lot 224 "mummy hawk with very fine and perfect wrappings". CONDITION NOTE 1998: Some damage to feet, top binding is holed and worn, black discolouration, surface dirt, label adhered.