Name Bead
Lentoid-shaped name bead bearing a vertical inscription on one side, 'the perfect god' (nTr nfr) followed by the cartouche (throne name) of King Amenhotep III (neb-mAat-ra). Dull blue faience with inlay of dark blue for inscription. Pierced through the length for suspension with two thread holes at either short end.
Wellcome Historical Medical Museum accession no. 31958; Purchased at Sotheby's, London, 15-17 December 1924 (Hon. Richard Bethell collection) Lot 330: "Two long flat-backed Beads, with inlaid cartouches of AMENHOTEP III; two Beads of similar shape, with prenomen and nomen of SHA.BA.KA, and one of barrel-shape of SHA.BA.TA.KA, the latter rare; XVIII and XXV dynasties".