Name Bead



Lentoid-shaped name bead bearing an engraved vertical inscription on one side, of the cartouche (prenomen) of King Psamtek I Wahibre of the 26th Dynasty. Pierced through the length for suspension. Wellcome Historical Medical Museum no. 31958 (7 inscribed beads): Large flat bead of green faience with inscription on top of Uak AB Ra 1½" X ¾" broken. Purchased at Sotheby's, London, 15 December 1924 Lot 330: "Two long flat-backed Beads, with inlaid cartouches of AMENHOTEP III; two Beads of similar shape, with prenomen and nomen of SHA.BA.KA, and one of barrel-shape of SHA.BA.TA.KA, the latter rare; XVIII and XXV dynasties".